New to faith

first steps

in church


at home, with church, with others

With Church

No Christian is complete without a church family! The Bible encourages us to do life together with other believers. We need each other to grow up in the faith, to learn, to serve, to love one another, to exercise our spiritual gifts, and to practice forgiveness. Please don’t feel that you need to dress up, or have your life together before you come - just come as you are! By coming to church regularly, you will begin to feel part of our church family.

Count me in

Our hope is that you feel extremely welcome and at home at Catalyst. There is no formal membership at Catalyst Vineyard Church. We have many people each week who are guests at our services, and you are welcome to be one of those. However, if you decide to join the church, it’s important that you tell us by filling out a Count Me In card. This means we know you’ve joined our family, and we know to look out for you. You will also receive regular communication from Catalyst telling you what’s happening across our church and specifically in your site.

Newcomers Dinner

We would love to invite you to a Newcomers Dinner.  These dinners are a chance to meet our Lead Pastors and local Site Pastors in a relaxed environment and for us to get to know you better. You will  hear about the history, vision and heart for our church as well as having the opportunity to ask any questions you might have about Catalyst Vineyard Church.

Newcomers Dinners happen once a term - click here to sign up for the next one.