New to faith?

New to Faith?

Whether you’re new to faith, finding your way back to God or wanting to strengthen your foundations in your relationship with God, we’re cheering you on. Being a Christian means having a relationship with Jesus. Like any relationship, it grows healthier when we invest in it.

Here are some key things you can do right now to start to build your relationship with Jesus:

First Step focusses on foundations - those foundational principles that form the bedrock on which to build and sustain our spiritual lives for our entire lives. 


If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, we would love to hear about it! We can connect you with a mentor who will walk beside you as you begin your journey of faith. They can encourage you, pray with you, answer some of your questions and cheer you on!

It’s also really helpful if you tell us that you have become a Christian by filling out this quick ONLINE FORM. This means we can help get you connected and support you on your next steps!